Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Making dirt pudding


Sorting letters

This is something new I've been working on with Princess. I have taught her all the letters of her name. I want to make sure she is really secure with these letters before we go on to others. We did a sorting activity in which she did sorted all the letters of her name. I did them in all uppercase this time. I'll start adding lowercase soon. She did awesome and really had fun!

Hot Street Party

The Young Professionals of our town host a couple of street parties downtown every summer. They are a lot of fun for the kids and for parents to hang out. I was talking so much, I only got pics of the horseback riding when we first got there. We really had fun just hanging out and talking while the kids were playing. Our worship leader from our church is in an 80's cover band that played, too.

She just looks so little on that great big horse!